Getting good grades at school is one thing, maintaining them is another. Everybody wants to have high grades in school so bad that getting an average is not an option, There are no shortcuts to getting good grades in school than to keep calm and study hard. Follow these small but helpful steps n obtaining good grades. 1. THE EARLIER THE BETTER: Most of us wait till examinations and test are around the corner before we start solving those difficult math questions and looking up our vocabulary. Even flipping the pages of our science test books. Within a short time you will notice that you do not remember everything you have "crammed" and we end up getting average grades.It is better to start reading or studying much earlier before tests or exams. You could either start on the holidays, first day of resumption or a week into resumption. 2. DO NOT CRAM: Cramming makes it worse to recall what you have or trying to commit into memory. If you have a problem understanding, then ...