1. THE EARLIER THE BETTER: Most of us wait till examinations and test are around the corner before we start solving those difficult math questions and looking up our vocabulary. Even flipping the pages of our science test books. Within a short time you will notice that you do not remember everything you have "crammed" and we end up getting average grades.It is better to start reading or studying much earlier before tests or exams. You could either start on the holidays, first day of resumption or a week into resumption.
2. DO NOT CRAM: Cramming makes it worse to recall what you have or trying to commit into memory. If you have a problem understanding, then meet a teacher or a kid in your class, why not an adult? or try cracking an equation or problem on your own. Always remember that cramming never gets you anywhere.
3. STUDY AHEAD: Try studying ahead of the class, this way you would understand the subject a whole lot better. Get a revision exercise book or a jotter and after every study, give yourself a question and answer session.
4. Make study groups with friends in school (mostly your classmates) you could either study in school or at home. If you are going to read or study alone, try doing thirty minutes each for easier subjects and an hour for more complicated subjects. In a day, you should be able to read for a reasonable amount of time.
5. Seat in front of the class or where you can see the board clearly and obviously pay attention to the teacher. Also get rid of all distractions. Ask questions, no matter how silly they might sound, don't listen to the mockery of your friends because you would be gaining in the end.
6. Read for at least five hours daily and take short breaks intervals. Why not make it two or three hours for a start and do longer hours on Saturdays and Sundays. If you like, Sundays could be set aside for only revision and recapping and not reading.
7. Build up your vocabulary by reading novels, interesting write ups and spending time looking up words in the dictionary.
8. Make your test or exam answer sheet neat. Do not write roughly and underline neatly. Remember, in some cases, neatness attracts more marks.
9. Do not force yourself to understand what you can not on your own. Take a break when you need to. Try studying and drinking something cold.
All these and more could be done to acquire good grades but also try to maintain them too. If you see an improvement in your grades, do not slack off because of euphoria. Continue to dot these till you are out of school and still continue if you love your books. When your result come in, try to check the subject that you did not really perform well in, work on it by studying much harder and then you are good to go.
1. Having the best grades can make you prideful so watch out.
2. You could lecture others that do not understand a subject or topic.
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