Have you ever had trouble or wanted a little advise on bagging? Weather its travelling, just outing, church or maybe school? Well, I have had that problem so many times especially when it comes to travelling. Even at school, my friends complain that my bag is too heavy, but i never had a problem with outing. So i started doing something last year and i came up with a few things this week and we would be glad to share them with you.
I would be heading somewhere new this summer and i'm super excited and i do not know how or what to start packing. But i came up with something to help me.
TIP 1. Check list: this helped me last summer when i travelled down town to Lagos, Nigeria. I got a pen and paper numbering everything i wanted to go with and what i wanted to buy and take with and made little boxes on each line of the paper. I had wanted to take written. So when i packed i checked the boxes on the paper. That way i knew what i wanted to go with and what i was forgetting.

TIP 2. The bag:
Although i did not take travelling bags with wheels on them when i travelled last summer, I recommend you to take them. I got to find out that it was more stressful without the wheels. Find a ''not so big'', ''not so small'', but big enough to take your things. If you must carry extra bags, makes sure its a carry-on that will fit things like your laptop, notebook and pen, phone and things like that.

TIP 3. Pack wisely: Don't just rumple and pack clothes in your bag or else there wouldn't be enough space and your bag wouldn't close. Iron and fold every one of your clothes. I recommend putting foot wares at the bottom, then towels and clothes so as to maintain space or you could find another bag for foot wares. Also add things like lotions, perfumes, deodorants, make-up etc. Put make-up in a little make-up bag then into your travelling bag.

I would be heading somewhere new this summer and i'm super excited and i do not know how or what to start packing. But i came up with something to help me.
TIP 1. Check list: this helped me last summer when i travelled down town to Lagos, Nigeria. I got a pen and paper numbering everything i wanted to go with and what i wanted to buy and take with and made little boxes on each line of the paper. I had wanted to take written. So when i packed i checked the boxes on the paper. That way i knew what i wanted to go with and what i was forgetting.
TIP 2. The bag:
Although i did not take travelling bags with wheels on them when i travelled last summer, I recommend you to take them. I got to find out that it was more stressful without the wheels. Find a ''not so big'', ''not so small'', but big enough to take your things. If you must carry extra bags, makes sure its a carry-on that will fit things like your laptop, notebook and pen, phone and things like that.
TIP 3. Pack wisely: Don't just rumple and pack clothes in your bag or else there wouldn't be enough space and your bag wouldn't close. Iron and fold every one of your clothes. I recommend putting foot wares at the bottom, then towels and clothes so as to maintain space or you could find another bag for foot wares. Also add things like lotions, perfumes, deodorants, make-up etc. Put make-up in a little make-up bag then into your travelling bag.
Take a purse big enough for you to hold your stuffs. Don't carry much. Maybe you might need a note book and pen, your wallet, hand lotions and sanitizers, tissues, lip gloss or lipstick, your phone. You might also put things like a tablet (if it is necessary) and any other important thing. Huh guess that's why i never had problems with outings.SCHOOL BAGGING TIPS
Well the school i go to, i have to bring my books and take them back home everyday according to the subjects i have that day. Now i just take the subject i have that week because its more stressful to change subjects everyday when one comes back from school. So i try as much as possible to lighten my bag taking the basic like;
1. Books
2. One or two textbook s( Maths and English to be precise)
3. A jot pad
4. Mathematical set
5. Writing material
6. My lunch
And that's the tips we have for today. Please leave your questions and comments below.
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