It's sometimes annoying when chatting with friends on social medias and they use abbreviations that you are not familiar with to make the chat easier and faster. Now you do not want to be asking of the meaning of those slangs or take for instance when you have a POS(parent over shoulder) kind of thing. So below are SOME USEFUL CHATTING SLANGS or abbreviations and their meaning to help you with.
-ASAP as soon as possible
-AFK away from keyboard
-ATM at the momment
-BBS be back soon
-BBQ barbecue
-BFN/B4N bye for now
-BRB be right back
-BRT be right there
-BTW by the way
-CU see you
-QT cutie
-CYA see you at
-FAV favourite
-DND do not disturb
-FB facebook
-FTL for the loss
-FTW for the win
-FTF or F2F face to face
-FWD forward
-GTG got to go
-GF girlfriend
-BF boyfriend
-GBTW get back to work
-GFU good for you
-HAND have a nice day
-GN good night
-GM good morning
-HF have fun
-HTH hope that helped
-IRL in real life
-LOL laugh out loud or lots of love
-LMAO laughing my ass off
-XD its like lol but funnier than lol e.g an emoticon of a huge smilie face
-IC i see
-KISS keep it simple stupid
LDR long distance relationship
-LTNS long time no see
- L8R later
-MSG message
-NP no problem
-OIC oh i see
-OMG oh my gosh
-OS operating system
-PLZ please
-PPL people
-SOME1 someone
-SRY sorry
-THX thanks
-TTYL talk to you later
-TTFN tah tah for now
-WB welcome back
-LMK let me know
-POS parent over shoulder
-SOS someone over shoulder
-BFF best friend forever
-BMT before my time
-ASAIC as soon as i can
-BBM black berry messenger
-4EVA forever
-BOT back on topic
-YSIC why should i care
-WRU where are you
-WOA work of art
and how do you hiss on social media....mtchewwwwwww(lol) 
-WBU what about you
-HBU how about you
-UWC you are welcome
-ASAP as soon as possible
-AFK away from keyboard
-ATM at the momment
-BBS be back soon
-BBQ barbecue
-BFN/B4N bye for now
-BRB be right back
-BRT be right there
-BTW by the way
-CU see you
-QT cutie
-CYA see you at
-FAV favourite
-DND do not disturb
-FB facebook
-FTL for the loss
-FTW for the win
-FTF or F2F face to face
-FWD forward
-GTG got to go
-GF girlfriend
-BF boyfriend
-GBTW get back to work
-GFU good for you
-HAND have a nice day
-GN good night
-GM good morning
-HF have fun
-HTH hope that helped
-IRL in real life
-LOL laugh out loud or lots of love
-LMAO laughing my ass off
-XD its like lol but funnier than lol e.g an emoticon of a huge smilie face
-IC i see
-KISS keep it simple stupid
LDR long distance relationship
-LTNS long time no see
- L8R later
-MSG message
-NP no problem
-OIC oh i see
-OMG oh my gosh
-OS operating system
-PLZ please
-PPL people
-SOME1 someone
-SRY sorry
-THX thanks
-TTYL talk to you later
-TTFN tah tah for now
-WB welcome back
-LMK let me know
-POS parent over shoulder
-SOS someone over shoulder
-BFF best friend forever
-BMT before my time
-ASAIC as soon as i can
-BBM black berry messenger
-4EVA forever
-BOT back on topic
-YSIC why should i care
-WRU where are you
-WOA work of art
-WBU what about you
-HBU how about you
-UWC you are welcome
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