
Showing posts from April, 2016


- 11% of people are left handed - August has the highest percentage of Birth - Unless food is mixed with saliva, you can not taste it - A bear has 42 teeth - An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain - Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries - 8% of people have an extra rib - A lobster's blood is colourless but when exposed to oxygen turns blue - Reindeer likes banana - Armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the  same sex - The longest flight of a chicken is 13 seconds - Birds need gravity to swallow - The most commonly used letter in alphabet is E - The 3 most common;y languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English - Dreamt is the only word that ends with mt - The first letter of the month July through to November spell JASON - A cat has 32 muscles in each ear - The smallest bone in the human body are found in your ear - Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to 10 kilos per person per year - Apples are more effectiv...


  Hey guys, have i ever mentioned that we at DMO are crazy about taking selfies and today we thought of sharing with you guys a post to improve your selfies if you already know how to take one and also give you some tips in taking your selfies.      Now a selfie is more or less a picture you take of your face with a camera, phone or a device or gadget with a camera inbuilt in it. It is mostly taken by teens and individuals of different age grades. Below are a few DO's and DONT's or tips on how to take a selfie. Take your selfies in places with good lighting: If you are taking a selfie indoors then turn on a few lights, florescent may not be advisable in most cases. If indoors is not bright enough then make use of natural sunlight outdoors. 2. Watch out for your background: Your background says it all, it could either be a distraction or your key to a professional selfie. 3. Do not be selfish with your selfie and add friends to it. 4. do not tak...

When was created?

When was created?

5+1 cool hairstyles to pull off this summer (for black teens)

 1. THE BOX BRAID; The box braid is an awesome hairstyle that can be styled in any way you want, weather its fishtail, bun, weaves or any crazy hairstyle. It is popularly pulled off nowadays and is being taken to the next level. Its not only black attachments or extensions that is being used now but other columns like red, purple, blue and brown. These columns are being mixed too in several beautiful ways that will get you wanting to repeat the hairstyle when you get rid of the old one. This hairstyle has only one disadvantage for me and that is the time spent in doing it. But its all worth it when you know how long you can carry this hair for.   2.THE TWIST BRAID: This is a lot like the box braid but instead of making the braid look more like a box braid, it is twisted. It does not take as much time to do as the box braid, but again, I think it really has no much difference when it comes to the time spent. The twist braid can also be packed into any hairstyle and also...


    Have you  ever had trouble or wanted a little advise on bagging? Weather its travelling, just outing, church or maybe school? Well, I have had that problem so many times especially when it comes to travelling. Even at school, my friends complain that my bag is too heavy, but i never had a problem with outing. So i started doing something last year and i came up with a few things this week and we would be glad to share them with you.                 BAGGING TIPS ON TRAVELLING         I would be heading somewhere new this summer and i'm super excited and i do not know how or what to start packing. But i came up with something to help me. TIP 1. Check list: this helped me last summer when i travelled down town to Lagos, Nigeria. I got a pen and paper numbering everything i wanted to go with and what i wanted to buy and take with and made little boxes on each line of the paper. I had wanted to take written. S...


        What's up guys! It's been a while since we posted last. So we recently thought of doing a write up on Blogging and Vlogging to give you guys that extra boost in your blog and get your followers and viewers even more excited to read your next post.          I love Blogging, it's a passion and it brings me closer to my audience, I would soon start Vlogging though, hopefully, sometime in the summer. So the big question is..... WHAT IS BLOGGING?    Well, blogging is a regular or consistent write up you post online for people or your audience to see. You could either post news, give advice and updates, share tips or recipes e.t.c. Your blog could even be an online diary if you wish but i do not wish to do all that posting of personal stuff on my blog. Then, a VLOG is an online video blog, in which you are blogging but you are doing so audio visually and your audience gets to see you.             ...