1. When she says, "Get my kini" and believes with all confidence that she gave birth to a mind reader. 2. When you say "Mum I'm sorry" and she replies "Sorry for yourself". 3. When you ask where you should drop something and and she says: Drop it on my head. 4. When you say, "mummy, i have malaria"and she replies "why will you not have malaria when you have been pressing phone since morning". 5. When she brings food wrapped in a nylon bag from a party 6. When you say Ï came second in class"and she says "so the person that came first has two heads, abi?" 7. When she takes the DSTV remote to work, just to purnish you 8. When you are watching TV with her and she sleeps off and still does not want you to change the channel. 9. If you tel her you are going to your friend's house and be like when last did they come here to play with you. 10. When your mum asks you if the food is enough and you reply no, and s...