Showing posts from May, 2016
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Buy Captain America movie ticket on Nairabox and win N50,000 Be one of the first to see the blockbuster movie Captain America: Civil war! Buy this movie ticket on Nairabox and stand a chance to win N50,000 All you need to do is: Download the nairabox app, Fund your wallet, Go to the ticket store on the app, Buy the Captain America movie ticket then you stand a chance to win big! This offer will last from 7th of May 2016 till 9th of May 2016 and is exclusive to customers in Lagos and Port Harcourt Don’t miss out guys! Download nairabox here: - Android ...
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- m/f are you male or female - gn goodnight -asl tell me your age sex and location -sd sweet dreams - brb be right back - jk just kidding - tnx thanks - ryt right - k ok or okay - ty thank you - rofl rolling on the floor laughing - fyi for your information - wth what the hell - gm good morning - sry sorry - bbz babes - warez pirated software - lmk let me know - zzz sleeping - bff best friend forever - plz pease - p911 parent emergency - rt retweet - cc carbon copy - dm direct message - mt modify tweet - mri modify retweet - ctn cant talk now - aka as known as - kis keep it simple - tc take care - props proper respect and acknowledgement -diy do it yourself - hmu hit me up -bbs be back soon - diku do I know you - idk I dont know - sup what is p - sm social media -2day today - woa work of art - wru where are you - ysic why should I care - bot back on topic - 4eva forever - 404 no clue - b4n bye for now - 1nam one in a million - jfy just for...
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It's sometimes annoying when chatting with friends on social medias and they use abbreviations that you are not familiar with to make the chat easier and faster. Now you do not want to be asking of the meaning of those slangs or take for instance when you have a POS(parent over shoulder) kind of thing. So below are SOME USEFUL CHATTING SLANGS or abbreviations and their meaning to help you with. -ASAP as soon as possible -AFK away from keyboard -ATM at the momment -BBS be back soon -BBQ barbecue -BFN/B4N bye for now -BRB be right back -BRT be right there -BTW by the way -CU see you -QT cutie -CYA see you at -FAV favourite -DND do not disturb -FB facebook -FTL for the loss -FTW for the win -FTF or F2F face to face -FWD forward -GTG got to go -GF girlfriend -BF boyfriend -GBTW get back to work -GFU good for you -HAND have a nice day -GN good night -GM good morning -HF have fun -HTH hope that helped -IRL in real life -LOL laugh out loud or l...